
Resources / Energy policy

Which – Consumer Bills and Energy Policy

Dr Louise Strong, Senior Policy Advisor Energy is currently a key policy issue for Which? and recent survey data has indicated that energy costs are a high con...

The CCC Review of Bioenergy

Dr Ute Collier, Committee on Climate Change Discusses the nature of bioenergy in respect to feedstocks, conversion processes, and the potential end uses (heat ...

Shipping Emissions Report CCC 2011

Neil Golborne, Committee on Climate Change The review has a number of key messages, including a recognition that current UK international shipping emissions ar...

UK Biofuels industry overview 2011

Ann Cormack, Xynteo An overview of Xynteo and The Global Leadership & Technology Exchange is provided. The global picture for biofuels is discussed in rela...

World Energy Outlook – A Glimpse into the Future of Energy

Dr. Fatih Birol, International Energy Agency Provides an overview and insights into the 2010 WEO. It is suggested that recently announced policies can make a d...

Cancun and the implications for UK climate change policy 2011

Jim Watson, Sussex Energy Group Provides an overview of the Cancun climate negotiations and outcomes, highlighting positive outcomes and a number of issues tha...

The Fourth Carbon Budget CCC 2011

David Kennedy, Committee on Climate Change Provides a detailed overview of the CCC’s Fourth Carbon Budget, highlighting that the UK’s 2050 target of an 80%...

Where Next for US Policy on CO2 and Climate Issues?

David Robinson, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies and The Brattle Group Provides an overview of recent changes to US policy on climate change. This is discus...

World Energy Outlook Post Copenhagen IEA

Dr. Fatih Birol, International Energy Agency An overview of the 2010 WEO Reference Scenario to 2030 is provided, discussing: changes in primary energy demand; ...

Copenhagen and Decarbonising the Power Sector 2010

Joan MacNaughton, Alstom The need for decarbonising power generation is set out, in the context of global carbon emissions, abatement scenarios and investment ...

Building a Low Carbon Economy

David Kennedy, The Committee on Climate Change Provides a recap of the UK’s Intended and Interim carbon budgets to 2020 and the opportunities for emission re...

Building A low carbon Economy . The UK’s contribution to tackling climate change

David Kennedy, The Committee on Climate Change Provides a recap of the UK’s Intended and Interim carbon budgets to 2020 and the opportunities for emission re...
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