
Resources / Energy modelling

The Formation of a Domestic and International Market for Tidal Energy Technologies: the Economic Implications for the UK

Miss Michelle Gilmartin, Fraser of Allander Institute, University of Strathclyde World-wide interest in tidal power has increased in recent years, and this is ...

Economic impacts of wind generation variability on gas network operation

Dr Modassar Chaudry, Institute of Energy, Cardiff University Large capacity of wind generation is expected to be installed across Great Britain by 2020. Wind g...

Modelling the regional economic impacts of biofuels development

Mr Grant Allan, Department of Economics, University of Strathclyde Biofuels offer the possibility of serving most, if not all, of the four goals of Scottish en...

The Effect of Royalties on oil and gas production

Dr Clinton Levitt, Copenhagen Business School I develop a structural model of exploration and extraction that can be used to estimate the effectiveness of diff...

Quantifying Exports and Minimising Curtailment: From 20% to 50% Wind Penetration in Denmark

Mr Andrew Smith, London Analytics Denmark is frequently held up as a case study of a grid successfully integrating a wind penetration of 20%. Conversely, claim...

Climate policy uncertainty and investment behaviour: Evidence from small hydropower plants

Dr Oecon Kristin Linnerud, Cicero In the coming years, Europe will need more electric power from renewable sources to meet our greenhouse gas and renewable tar...

Effectiveness energy covenants: International evidence

Matthijs De Jong, Erasmus University Rotterdam Several OECD countries use covenants as an important part of their policy to stimulate energy efficiency, carbon...

The TIAM-UCL Global Energy Systems Model: Critical Comparison of UK and Global Climate Decarbonisation Trajectories

Mr William Usher, Energy Institute, University College London Given the limited progress achieved at COP 15 in Copenhagen, UK based policy makers and internati...

An innovative model-based approach to CO2 marginal abatement cost

Mr Fabian Kesicki, UCL Energy Institute Policy makers in the UK as in many countries around the world are confronted with the task of how to reduce carbon emis...

OECD-Europe Natural Gas Demand: A Structural Time Series Analysis

Mr Zafer Dilaver, Surrey Energy Economics Centre, University of Surrey This research investigates the relationship between OECD-Europe natural gas consumption,...

Do homes that are more energy efficient consume less energy?

Scott Kelly University of Cambridge With the growing prominence of climate change and the rising costs of domestic energy, the ability to predict domestic ene...

Measuring the Contribution of New and Renewable Energy R&D to Slowing Down CO2 Emissions in Taiwan with an Integrated Modelling Approach

Professor Shih-Mo Lin, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan Energy and environmental issues have become increasingly important over the past decade. Concern...
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