
Resources / Energy modelling

Net Zero Teesside: Lessons from actors and networks in industrial decarbonization projects

Kyle S Herman, Marfuga Iskandarova and Benjamin Sovacool University of Sussex, UK This paper explores the Teesside industrial cluster, which is the most geo...

Determinants of sectoral effective carbon rates on energy use

Hildegart Ahumada1, Santos Espina-Mairal2, Fernando Navajas2,3 and Alejandro Rasteletti4 1University Torcuato Di Tella, Argentina, 2FIEL, Argentina, 3Univer...

Estimating the economic impact of temperature volatility

David Winter and Manuela Kiehl Oxford Economics, UK This paper uses panel data on 201 countries from 1960 to 2019 to estimate the economic impact of tempera...

Scotland’s Net Zero by 2045: Modeling metabolic potentials and scenarios toward emissions reductions

Jean Boucher and Keith Matthews The James Hutton Institute, UK Societal metabolic analyses (SMA) offer a multi- and cross-scale method of understanding en...

“Cheaper Bills, Warmer Homes” – An independent plan to retrofit the UK’s housing stock, developed for the Labour Party, by a cross sector group of UK industry experts

Donal Brown University of Sussex, UK Dr Donal Brown will present the ‘Cheaper Bills, Warmer Homes’ report, commissioned by Labour and Ed Miliband MP i...

Consumer choice and willingness-to-pay for heating system attributes

Mona Chitnis and Mohammad Hossain University of Surrey, UK Overview Residential heating systems in the UK, which account for 60% of the nation's heat use, ...

CCC Report: Delivering a reliable decarbonised power system

Presentation slides from the CCC report webinar (04.07.2023) on Delivering a reliable decarbonised power system.  Speakers Rachel Hay (Head of Energy Supply...

Technology innovation for the future energy system

Chris Laurens, VP Future Energy Technologies, Shell

Managing Low Carbon Technology Options in the Electricity Sector: A Case Study of Guangdong Province in China

Dr Xi Liang, University of Exeter The aim of this paper is to develop a decision-analytical framework for analysing technical options available in a power gene...

Shell Scenarios

Jeremy Bentham Vice President Global Environment .  Shell uses scenarios to explore the future.  These scenarios are not mechanical forecasts. They recognise...

The 4th Carbon Budget and beyond – an electric future?

Adrian Gault,  The CCC The 2050 UK emission reduction target requires more than an 80% reduction in energy related CO2. The 4th carbon budget sets out the cha...

Transport 2050: the potential role of hydrogen

Professor Paul Ekins, UCL Bearing in mind that transport is part of the wider energy system, scenarios and models to 2050 can help examine a range of potential...
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