
Resources / Energy efficiency

Impact of Timing and Type of Requests for Flexible Domestic Energy Use

Cohen R. Simpson Centre for Net Zero London School of Economics, Methodology Andrew Schein Centre for Net Zero andrew...

Under one roof: the social relations and relational work of energy retrofit for the occupants of Multi-owned Properties

Dr Iain Cairns1, Professor Matthew Hannon1, Professor Mark Davis2, Professor Lucie Middlemiss2, Dr Anne Owen2, Dr Ruth Bookbinder2, Dr Giulia Mininni3, Dr Donal...

Demand-side CO2 mitigation potential in the UK heating and transport sectors

Contact person: Bence Kiss-Dobronyi [] Authors: Bence Kiss-Dobronyi [] (Cambridge Econometrics), Áron Hartvig [adh@camecon....

Further bridging the energy efficiency gap: heterogeneity, model error and time-consistency

Daire McCoy, Grantham Institute, LSE The “energy-efficiency gap” is a topic that has received much attention in the academic literature.  While the role o...

Motivating energy conservation in organisations: Smart metering and the emergence and diffusion of social norms

Peter Bradley, University of the West of England Around the world there is strong interest in the use of energy feedback via smart metering technology as a mit...

Energy efficiency policy instruments in the residential sector: Implementing mechanisms for successful low-carbon transitions in households

Cristina Penasco, University of Cambridge Overview and relevance of the topic Improving energy efficiency (EE) is vital to ensure an economic, environmental...

Identifying the limits of the rebound effect

Tina Fawcett. University of Oxford Delivering energy demand reduction through energy efficiency is probably the single most important strategy in moving to a l...

Choosing energy efficiency – consumer response to operating costs at the point of sale

Fiona Brocklehurst, Ballarat Consulting Consumers have a big effect on energy use through their choice of the appliances and cars that they buy.  But they may...

Leveraging Private Household investment in energy efficient retrofit: a systematic evidence review of the policy options

Niall Kerr, University of Edinburgh Home energy retrofit is distinctive as a low carbon policy option due to its requirement for collaboration between private ...

Rebound Effect for Energy Services: The Case of UK Households

Dr Mona  Chitnis, University of Surrey, United Kingdom Prof Steve Sorrell, London School of Economics, United Kingdom Dr Roger Fouquet, London School ...

Energy Barometer 2016

Deane Somerville, Knowledge Team Manager, Energy Institute The 2016 Energy Barometer Report captures insights from UK energy professionals and enables them to ...

Towards a Low-carbon Building Sector: The Influence of Skills Provision on Low-carbon Pathway Scenarios

Mrs Heinke Thies, University of Exeter The UK has to fulfil challenging carbon reduction targets set out in the Climate Change Act with an 80% emission reduc...
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