
Resources / Energy efficiency

BIEE Conference 2024: National Grid Presentation (Rebecca Sedler)

Presentation delivered at the BIEE Policy Conference 2024 by Rebecca Sedler (Managing Director - Interconnectors, National Grid).

BIEE Conference 2024: CCC Presentation (James Richardson)

Presentation delivered at the BIEE Policy Conference 2024 by James Richardson (Director of Analysis and Acting Chief Executive, Climate Change Committee)....

“Cheaper Bills, Warmer Homes” – An independent plan to retrofit the UK’s housing stock, developed for the Labour Party, by a cross sector group of UK industry experts

Donal Brown University of Sussex, UK Dr Donal Brown will present the ‘Cheaper Bills, Warmer Homes’ report, commissioned by Labour and Ed Miliband MP i...

Data is the new fuel of the grid, where does it come from and who owns the data?

Lawrence Orsini is the founder of LO3 Energy, a groundbreaking energy and tech company working on innovative new hardware and software products within the emerg...

Smart Controls – Unlocking the Value of Consumer Flexibility

Colin Calder, CEO, PassivSystems

Is the future electric? A utility perspective

Rufus Ford, SSE Electricity demand scenarios to 2050 from UKERC, DECC, OFGEM, the CCC and others, show a wide range of possible different total demands across ...

Decarbonising heat: is electricity the answer?

Michel Colombier, IDDRI An overview of the role of electricity in providing heat within the domestic sector in France, suggests that it has had a growing role ...

Decarbonising the UK Energy Market

 Jonathan Brearley, DECC DECC’s objective is to achieve secure, low carbon, affordable electricity; whilst meeting the UK targets for renewable energy and c...

The 4th Carbon Budget and beyond – an electric future?

Adrian Gault,  The CCC The 2050 UK emission reduction target requires more than an 80% reduction in energy related CO2. The 4th carbon budget sets out the cha...

Economies of Scale vs the Learning Curve in the Heat Sector

Dr Gareth Davies, Poyry Tackling heat is vital to delivering a low-carbon future, given that heat production is responsible for nearly half of UK’s final ene...

Is small always beautiful or is bigger better?

Dr Keith MacLean, SSE The policy context shows that there is: an unnatural pace, scale and technology mix required by national/international targets; a credit ...

Energy in a Low Carbon Economy, Keynote Address

Dr Paul Golby, CEO EON Paul Golby’s opening address at the BIEE 2010 conference
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