
Resources / Energy economics

Volatility transmission in crude oil 2011

X. Jin, S. Lin and M. Tamvakis, Cass Business School City University London Using three main pricing benchmarks (Brent, WTI, and Dubai), research was carried o...

The Prospects for Oil Prices 2011

Prof. Paul Stevens, Chatham House Prospects for 2012 are consider against a framework of analysis that examined what happened in 2011 in the ‘wet barrel’ m...

Resource Revolution

Jeremy Oppenheim, McKinsey Global Institute The next twenty years will see a 35% increase in resource demand, driven by 3 billion new middle-class consumers. T...

European Gas Contracts Will Oil Indexation persist OIES 2011

Howard Rogers, OIES Natural Gas Programme In the context of European gas markets and international LNG markets, a number of issues are highlighted, covering: E...

Russia’s Eastern Gas Strategy 2010

Professor Mike Bradshaw, University of Leicester The state-sponsored Eastern Programme was initiated in 2007, with Gazprom being given a monopoly over its impl...

Global Gas and LNG Balance 2010

Michael Smith, BP Provides an overview of recent developments in key markets, in respect to regional supply and demand, LNG supply and demand, and price signal...

The continuing tug-of -war between emerging market and developed market commodity demand

Jeffrey Currie, Goldman Sachs International There has been a commodity imbalance with oil, which has historically seen global output lower than global producti...

What we have learned about Oil Markets

Edward Morse, LCM Research The presentation provides a detailed overview of what has happened within the oil markets over the last five years and what this may...

China Moving towards low carbon growth 2009

Jim Watson, Sussex Energy Group China’s recent energy trends are described in terms of primary energy demand, energy intensity and power generation capacity,...

Oil Market Outlook 2009

Philip K. Verleger, Jr and David Mitchell, University of Calgary This paper provides an alternative view to the book Twilight in the Desert that argued that oi...

Oil, Energy Markets and the World Economy

Christopher Allsopp, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies Currently oil and other commodity prices, volatility, and the international financial crisis are all i...

Winter Gas Outlook Prices 2008

David Cox, Pöyry Energy Consulting Provides a detailed analysis of the major drivers to energy prices and the relationship between oil price and the prices fo...
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