
Resources / Energy economics

BP Energy Outlook 2035

The BP 2035 Energy  outlook  identifies long-term energy trends, building on  the BP  Statistical Review of World Energy, and then develops projections for ...

Redrawing the Energy-Climate Map

Dr Fatih Birol. Chief Economist, International Energy Agency.

Market Failures and Failures of Intervention

Graham Shuttleworth, Director,  NERA

Border Carbon Adjustments

Adam Whitmore , Chief Advisor, Energy and Climate Change Policy, Rio Tinto

BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2013

The BP  Statistical Review of  World Energy 2012 was published  on June 12th  2013  and can be downloaded  from  the BP Website.  The statistics  show ...

Policy Instruments:From Why to How

John Rhys OIES

Science and the Validity of an Economic Case for Action on Emissions-Meeting Report

A major objective of the first seminar in the 2013  series was to ascertain whether and how far the nature of discussion and analysis had moved on since the St...

The Economic Case for Action against Climate Change

Prof Sam Fankhauser , from the Grantham Research Institute at the LSE , discussed  the  economic considerations and the policy case for action on emissions. C...

Offshore Wind Cost Reduction

One of the major challenges for offshore wind, and renewable energy technologies more generally, is the extent to which they can compete with other forms of ene...

Information Assimilation in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme: A Microstructure Study

Miss Jiayuan Chen, Michael Smurfit School of University College Dublin The European Union's Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is the key policy instrument of the ...

BP Statistical Review of World Energy

Each June BP  publishes  the annual data that has been collected on the world’s energy markets, to assess what has happened this last year and how last year...

BP 2030 Energy Outlook

Christof Ruhl BP plc This outlook  identifies long-term energy trends, building on  the BP  Statistical Review of World Energy, and then develops projection...
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