
Resources / Energy demand

Innovative Business Models to Meet Grid Challenges

Mr Bruno Menu, Limejump Ltd,United Kingdom Dr Luke Peck, Limejump Ltd, United Kingdom At the tail end of 2015, National Grid UK released its System Oper...

Integrating supply and demand: smart systems; storage

Mr Eamonn  Boland, Baringa Partners The GB Power Market is in a period of transition.  The existing infrastructure of large thermal plant connected to hig...

The impact of tightening margins on plant availability

Dr Amy  O'Mahoney, Ofgem, United Kingdom  Mr Kristian Marr, Ofgem,United Kingdom  Shashi van de Graaff, Ofgem, United Kingdom  Mr David Hall,  ...

The energy ladder: A model for projecting energy demand

Dr Tashi  Erdmann, Shell Global Solutions International Mr Martin Haigh, Shell International Shell’s scenarios team develops long-term scenarios to ex...

Heating systems in buildings for the security of stability of the European electric power system

Mr Pirmin  Boch, University of Hohenheim, Germany Due to the steadily increasing part of renewable energy in the European power system, ensuring the stabil...

The Impact of Demand Side Management on the Wholesale Prices of the British Electricity Market

Ms Sara  Lupo,  University of Edinburgh Dr Aristides E. Kiprakis, University of Edinburgh In its attempt to modernise the electricity grid the United ...

An Empirical Analysis of Energy Demand in Sub-Saharan Africa (1980-2014)

Ms Aisha Kolawole, Oxford Brookes University This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of energy demand in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) by analysing demand f...

Electrification of heating: the role of heat pumps

Dr Tina Fawcett, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford Russell Layberry, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford Nick Eyre, Enviro...

How peaking of exergy efficiency may lead to rising energy demand in OECD countries and an underestimate of non-OECD energy consumption growth

Paul Brockway, University of Leeds Timothy Foxon, University of Leeds Julia Steinberger, University of Leeds John Barrett, University of Leeds  ...

Statistical techniques for exploring trends in emissions and energy consumption in developed and developing countries

Mr Robin Smale, Vivid Economics Robin Smale, Vivid Economics Thomas Kansy, Vivid Economics   This paper applies statistical techniques and disc...

Estimating Direct and Indirect Rebound Effects for UK Households

Dr Mona Chitnis, University of Surrey Policymakers expect improved energy efficiency to play a key role in reducing GHG emissions. However, the energy and emis...

The impact of future heat demand pathways on the economics of low carbon heating systems

Mr Robert Sansom, Imperial College The demand for heat will have a fundamental influence on all the associated assets required from supply to delivery through ...
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