
Resources / Energy demand

“Cheaper Bills, Warmer Homes” – An independent plan to retrofit the UK’s housing stock, developed for the Labour Party, by a cross sector group of UK industry experts

Donal Brown University of Sussex, UK Dr Donal Brown will present the ‘Cheaper Bills, Warmer Homes’ report, commissioned by Labour and Ed Miliband MP i...

Consumer choice and willingness-to-pay for heating system attributes

Mona Chitnis and Mohammad Hossain University of Surrey, UK Overview Residential heating systems in the UK, which account for 60% of the nation's heat use, ...

CCC Report: Delivering a reliable decarbonised power system

Presentation slides from the CCC report webinar (04.07.2023) on Delivering a reliable decarbonised power system.  Speakers Rachel Hay (Head of Energy Supply...

Uncharted Waters

Richard Koszykowski, Major Energy Users' Council at Policy Conference 2022

BIEE Conference 2021: Energy for a Net Zero Society – Keynote & Plenary Speaker Presentations

BIEE Conference 2021: Energy for a Net Zero Society - Keynote & Plenary Speaker Presentations.

Energy UK – Future of Energy

Sam Hollister, Director of Economics, Energy UK

Consumers at the Heart of the Energy System : Implications for Policy

Nick Eyre is Professor of Energy and Climate Policy, and a Jackson Senior Research Fellow in Energy at the ECI and Oriel College. Nick is Director of the UK Ce...

Killing the kilowatt hour: rethinking energy as a consumer service

Philip is the Chief Executive Officer of the Energy Systems Catapult, part of a network of world-leading centres set up by the UK Government to transform the UK...

Energy trilemma for the 21st century

Mr Ian  Marchant, Dunelm Energy, United Kingdom The supply side of the energy industry has, for far too long, dominated the nation’s energy policy agenda...

Energy Market Outlook

Christof Ruehl  BP plc

Transport 2050: the potential role of hydrogen

Professor Paul Ekins, UCL Bearing in mind that transport is part of the wider energy system, scenarios and models to 2050 can help examine a range of potential...

The Role of Biofuels in Transport

James Primrose, BP Biofuels There are a range of factors that impact on the effectiveness of different fuel use in transport, with liquid fuels generally being...
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