
Resources / Electricity and nuclear

Lessons learned from New Zealand’s electricity market

Mr Mike Parker, Transpower New Zealand Limited In the last twenty years, many countries have split up state-run, vertically integrated and centrally planned el...

Economic impacts of wind generation variability on gas network operation

Dr Modassar Chaudry, Institute of Energy, Cardiff University Large capacity of wind generation is expected to be installed across Great Britain by 2020. Wind g...

Governing Energy Networks For a Low Carbon Economy

Mr Ronan Bolton, University of Leeds Achieving medium and long term carbon emissions reduction targets will necessitate a radical shift in the way electricity ...

Nuclear Energy Policy in the European Union: The Case of Romania

Mr Raphael Heffron, University of Cambridge This research assesses the formulation of nuclear energy policy in the European Union (EU) directly focusing on Rom...

The Carbon Reduction Agenda and UK Nuclear Energy Policy

Mr Jonathan Cooper, University of Central Lancashire The relatively low carbon footprint of nuclear energy development, when compared to fossil fuel alternativ...

Can UK Electricity Markets Deliver A Low Carbon Future?

Dr John Rhys, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies The UK electricity market was designed to satisfy the technical requirement to supply a non-storable commodit...

Funding nuclear power and radioactive waste

Professor Gordon MacKerron, SPRU, University of Sussex The UK Government expects substantial new investment in nuclear power as part of its approach to reducin...

Quantifying Exports and Minimising Curtailment: From 20% to 50% Wind Penetration in Denmark

Mr Andrew Smith, London Analytics Denmark is frequently held up as a case study of a grid successfully integrating a wind penetration of 20%. Conversely, claim...

BERR Energy Group’s Long Term Scenarios and analysis underpinning the 2008 Nuclear White Paper

Mr Stephen Green, BERR  The effects of today’s energy policy will be seen long into the future. BERR Energy Group Scenarios has developed scenarios to aid...

Price Signals from the Electricity Distribution Networks

Miss Rita Shaw, Electricity North West / University of Surrey  The paper/ poster explores the current regulatory framework around network pricing and discusse...

Transmission access – developing a regime to facilitate the delivery of the UK’s Renewable Targets

Mr Philip Baker, Exeter University Abstract for BIEE 7th Academic Conference The New Energy Challenge: Security and Sustainability A Job for Government...

Sustainability challenges in regulating electricity distribution networks

Miss Rita Shaw, Electricity North West / University of Surrey  The price-control regulation of Great Britain’s regional electricity distribution networks wa...
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