
Resources / Electricity and nuclear

The role of consumers in the uptake of decentralised energy storage technologies

Peter Taylor, University of Leeds Various forms of decentralised electricity and heat storage (decentralised energy storage, DES) could play an important role ...

Integrating prosumers into the electricity grid: the interplay between technology and people

Yael Parag. Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), Herzliya In the era of renewable and decentralized energy systems, prosumers are becoming crucial as they provide a...

Prosumage of solar electricity: batteries, heating and mobility

Wolf-Peter Schill, DIW Berlin Overview Spurred by technology development and regulatory incentives, self-consumption of distributed renewable electricity ge...

Attitudes, preferences and intentions to participate in peer-to-peer electricity trading: The case of Southwest German households

André Hackbarth, Reutlingen University Overview The share of electricity produced   from renewable resources in Germany increased to almost 32% in 2015,�...

From Airbnb to Solar: Toward a Transaction Cost Model of a Retail Electricity Distribution Platform

Lynne Kiesling, Purdue University Digitalization, decentralization, and decarbonization are economic factors poised to disrupt many aspects of the utility busi...

An empirical exploration into the role of phase-out policies for low-carbon energy transitions: the case of the German Energiewende

Dr Karoline  Rogge, University of Sussex The energy sector plays a significant role in reaching the ambitious climate policy target of limiting the global t...

Optimal Storage Investment and Management under Uncertainty – It is costly to avoid outages!

Mr Joachim  Geske, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom Prof Richard Green, Imperial College Business School, United Kingdom Overview: Storage has ...

How disruptive could storage be?

Dr Philipp Grunewald, EPSRC Fellow. ECI, University of Oxford Electricity storage has long been argued to be highly valuable to future low carbon energy s...

Peak demand, price elasticity and intrinsic flexibility from time use activities

Dr Jacopo  Torriti, University of Reading, United Kingdom Peaks in electricity demand bring about significantly negative environmental and economic impac...

Innovation incentive for regulated network industries

Dr Rahmat  Poudineh, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, United Kingdom Mr Seyed Reza Mirnezami, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, United Kingdom ...

The impact of tightening margins on plant availability

Dr Amy  O'Mahoney, Ofgem, United Kingdom  Mr Kristian Marr, Ofgem,United Kingdom  Shashi van de Graaff, Ofgem, United Kingdom  Mr David Hall,  ...

Risk premia in electricity spot markets – New empirical evidence for Germany and Austria

Mr Niyaz  Valitov, University of Wuppertal, Germany The process of liberalization in Europe and the growth of electricity from renewable energy sources led...
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