
Resources / Electricity and nuclear

Discussions on REMA: The potential role of Locational Marginal Pricing (LMP) in GB

Locational Marginal Pricing (LMP) in sharpening locational signals and incentivising supply and demand assets to locate and despatch where they can minimise wh...

Aurora’s “Burn Out” scenario: Implications of rapid digitalisation, electrification and efficiency enhancement for global and UK gas markets

Richard Howard, Research Director, Aurora Energy Research

Modelling the New Model: The electricity wholesale market after the Helm review

Prof Richard Green

The Hendry Review of Tidal Lagoon Energy

Charles Hendry recently published his review of tidal lagoons, commissioned by Energy Secretary Amber Rudd in May 2016.  Charles has looked at how tidal lagoon...

Decarbonising Heat

Prof Nick Eyre, ECI , University of Oxford

The Economics of New Nuclear

As  the controversy surrounding the building of  Hinkley Point C continues,  Dr Simon Taylor  will review the state of the new nuclear programme in the UK a...

BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2014

Spencer Dale, Group Chief Economist.   Global primary energy consumption decelerated sharply in 2014, even though global economic growth was similar to 2...

Energy Policy After the Election

Dieter Helm, Professor of Energy  Policy,  University of Oxford. In 2015 British energy policy faces big challenges for EMR, for the capacity and feed in tar...

BP Energy Outlook 2035

Spencer Dale Group Chief Economist BP plc The Outlook highlights the continuous change in the energy system – the changing fuel mix, the changing patterns of...

BP Energy Outlook 2035

The BP  Energy  outlook 2035  identifies long-term energy trends, building on  the BP  Statistical Review of World Energy, and then develops projections f...

Security of Supply, UK Energy Policy and the Capacity Auction

Prof. David Newbery, Director, EPRG, University of Cambridge

BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2014

The Statistical Review provides an objective global overview of energy production, consumption, trade, reserves and prices. During 2013 the world’s energy ma...
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