
Resources / Electricity and nuclear

Energy White Paper: Overview

Professor David Newbery, Cambridge University As well as comparing the 2003 and 2007 Energy White Papers, progress since 2003 is set out. For different sectors...

Energy White Paper 2007

“Meeting the Energy Challenge”, the White Paper on Energy, was published on May 23, 2007 following several years of intense energy policy review and debate....

Innovation Policy: Influences on proportion of electricity generated by nuclear power around the world

D. Toke, Birmingham University The association between various variables and the proportion of electricity generated from nuclear power in countries around the...

Energy Modelling: Carbon tax or carbon permits: the impact on generators’ risks

Richard Green, Birmingham University Volatile fuel prices affect both the cost and price of electricity in a liberalised market. Generators with the price-sett...

UK Gas and Electricity Supplies: A review of the winter 2003-04

John Greasley and Simon Griew, National Grid Transco Sets out the pre-winter view from Grid; in respect to gas covering: transportation requirements; gas for...
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