
Resources / Conference Presentations

Energy Barometer 2016

Deane Somerville, Knowledge Team Manager, Energy Institute The 2016 Energy Barometer Report captures insights from UK energy professionals and enables them to ...

Innovation and Collaboration

Tom Jennings, Policy Director, The  Carbon Trust

Reducing inherent uncertainty in energy policy: can politics help?

Ed Davey, Former Secretary of State, DECC

Just how immune are energy networks from policy uncertainty?

Tim Tutton, Independent Consultant

Future challenges in the electricity market

Jonathan Brearley, Director, Brearley Economics

Price Cycles, Cost Control and the Crisis of Business Models

Prof Jonathan Stern, Chairman, Natural Gas Programme, OIES

Reducing inherent uncertainty in energy policy: can politics help?

Ed Davey, Former Secretary of State, DECC

Innovation: A key enabler? Or a distraction from action?

Jo Coleman, Director Strategy Development, ETI

Technology innovation for the future energy system

Chris Laurens, VP Future Energy Technologies, Shell

Maximising Economic Recovery from the UKCS – are policies and practices sufficiently aligned?

Mike Tholen, Economics Director, Oil & Gas UK 

EU’s Framework for 2030

Wim Thomas, Chief Energy Advisor, Shell International

UK Carbon Policy in the European Context

Prof. Sam Fankhauser, Co-Director, Grantham Research Institute, LSE
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