
Resources / Conference Presentations

Financial Markets and the S-Curve-Electric Vehicles

EV uptake in the UK is problematic and EV numbers are still tiny, leading many to be sceptical.  However, EV globally are following well-established S curves o...

Consumers at the Heart of the Energy System : Implications for Policy

Nick Eyre is Professor of Energy and Climate Policy, and a Jackson Senior Research Fellow in Energy at the ECI and Oriel College. Nick is Director of the UK Ce...

Impact and Implications of a Consumer Driven Energy System OFGEM

The landscape for energy consumers is changing rapidly, due to new technology, demographic changes, and public pressure. Joe Perkins Chief Economist Ofgem...

Consumers at the Heart of the Energy System ? Good Energy

Once upon a time, there was a great storm. It was 1987 and Juliet Davenport was sat in an Oxford University library as a student, pondering climate physics. It ...

Killing the kilowatt hour: rethinking energy as a consumer service

Philip is the Chief Executive Officer of the Energy Systems Catapult, part of a network of world-leading centres set up by the UK Government to transform the UK...

Local Energy Oxfordshire: re-building the energy system from the bottom up

Barbara Hammond Low Carbon Hub . The Energy Strategy for Oxfordshire, published this Autumn, will set very challenging targets for energy system transition in t...

Development of Regulation from Policy – the View from the Industry

Chris Harris, Head of Regulation, Npower

Energy Policy Priorities for an Uncertain Future

Professor Jim Watson, Director, UK Energy Research Centre

How Can Regulation Support Flexible Solutions, New Business Models and Innovation?

Martin Crouch, Senior Partner, Improving Regulation, OFGEM

Smart Controls – Unlocking the Value of Consumer Flexibility

Colin Calder, CEO, PassivSystems

Heat in Buildings: international solutions to UK challenges

Alex Kazaglis, Engagement Manager, Vivid Economics

UK Decarbonisation – the next phase

Professor Sam Fankhauser, Co-Director, Grantham Research Institute, LSE
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