
Resources / Conference Presentations

Is small always beautiful or is bigger better?

Dr Keith MacLean, SSE The policy context shows that there is: an unnatural pace, scale and technology mix required by national/international targets; a credit ...

Economies of Scale vs the Learning Curve

Joan MacNaughton, Alstom The global challenge is to reduce energy-related CO2 emissions and secure significant investment for generation plant. Meeting this ch...

What can we learn from the BRIC countries?

Jim Watson, SPRU University of Sussex Global trends from IEA show that: energy demand could increase by 40% by 2030; fossil fuel use will continue to be domina...

Leading the way in Asia, Africa and the Middle East

Yulanda Chung, Standard Chartered Bank Sustainability and energy are important considerations in the SCB’s financing decisions, which are more widely governe...

International Energy Security; Governments And Markets

International energy security, governments and markets: Lord Howell An overview of the role of Government, particularly the FCO, in increasing the UK’s ener...

Energy in a Low Carbon Economy, Keynote Address

Dr Paul Golby, CEO EON Paul Golby’s opening address at the BIEE 2010 conference

Energy in a low carbon economy: new roles for governments and markets

David Newbery, EPEG Cambridge EU climate policy comprises of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) to price CO2, the 20-20-20 Directive to create a demand pull fo...

Oil Supply Analysis from the Goldman Sachs Top230 Study

Michele Della Vigna, Goldman Sachs International The Top230 study models the largest 230 new oil and gas developments in the world to provide insight into the ...

Are Financial Investors Destabilising the Oil Market?

Leo Drollas. Centre for Global Energy Studies Consideration is given to what has caused the extreme volatility in oil price in the last two years and whether t...

Green Fiscal Stimulus Packages

Samuel Fankhauser, Grantham Research Institute, LSE Sets out the case for a green fiscal stimulus, initially through evidence for its impact, before considerin...

American Developments and Transatlantic Linking: advancing climate policies in the face of a global recession

Cameron Hepburn, Oxford University An overview of US climate bills, in context of EPA Regulations, the Waxman-Markely Bill and the Boxer-Kerry Bill is set out....

China’s Role in Advancing Climate Policies in the Face of a Global Recession

Antony Froggatt , Chatham House. China plays a key role in the interactions between global energy prices, CO2 emissions and global economic output. In terms of...
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