Alan Whitehead is announced as Vice President of the British Institute of Energy Economics.
We are delighted to announce that Alan Whitehead has been appointed as Vice President of BIEE.
Dr Alan Whitehead served as Labour MP for Southampton Test between 1997 and 2024. His parliamentary service encompassed a range of appointments and posts, including Parliamentary Undersecretary in the Department of Environment, Transport and the regions between 2001-2002, membership of The Energy and Climate Change Select Committee 2009-2015, and from 2016 to 2024 as Shadow Minister for Energy Security.
Prior to his election as an MP, Alan was Leader of Southampton City Council, and Professor of Public Policy and Administration at Southampton Institute. Alan is currently a Fellow of the Energy Institute, Visiting Professor in the Engineering Faculty at Southampton University and a Governor of Southampton Solent University.
The Vice President represents the BIEE to its members, stakeholders and the public. They also serve as a full member of BIEE Council.
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