
New ESC Report : What does a Net-Zero emissions future look like in 2050 for the average UK household?

The Energy Systems Catapult  has published a  new report  ‘What does a Net-Zero emissions future look like in 2050 for the average UK household? Analysis by Energy Systems Catapult for the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) found meeting a net zero future would require more lifestyle changes for the average UK household in transport, diet and air travel – compared to current (80% reduction on 1990 levels) ambitions. It explores what it means to cut carbon by 80%, >90% and 100% (Net-Zero) across six activities: heating, transport, electricity, aviation, diet and waste and presents a compelling picture of how a typical household’s life would actually change on a day-to-day basis.  It concludes that low carbon heating biggest household challenge for ‘net zero’.


Read the full report ESC-Living-Carbon-Free-report-for-CCC


Guy Newey Strategy and Performance Director at the CCC will be speaking at the BIEE’s 2019  policy conference ‘Getting Serious About Net Zero’

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