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The talk will review forthcoming research on the evidence from demand response trials, programs and surveys internationally. This will be contrasted with the assumptions sometimes made in modelling studies about domestic consumers engaging with demand response.
Dr. Robert Gross is Reader in Energy Policy and Technology and Director of the Centre for Energy Policy and Technology (ICEPT) at Imperial College London. He is Policy Director of Imperial’s Energy Futures Lab. He is a Co-Director of the UK Energy Research Centre. Dr Gross has published extensively on energy policy and technology. He has extensive research management expertise and has made a substantive contribution to UK energy policy development, acting as advisor to Select Committees, preparing reports and chairing committees for Govt. departments and NDPBs, and as a consultant. He was seconded to the Cabinet Office in the early 2000s and contributed to the Blair Govt. Energy Review. He also has extensive teaching experience at masters and PhD level. He has been invited speaker at a wide range of conferences and forums in the UK and overseas. He makes regular contributions to the popular debate surrounding energy, in the mainstream broadsheet press, online and in TV and radio appearances. In 2014 Gross was Chair of the Council of the British Institute of Energy Economics.
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