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At the end of November last year, the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) provided its advice to the Government on the level of the 5th carbon budget (the limit on UK greenhouse gas emissions over the 5 years 2028-32). The Paris Agreement, in December, has greater long-term global ambition than current UK targets assume – in particular, it aims to hold the increase in global temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels, to pursue efforts to limit it to 1.5°C and to reach net zero global emissions of greenhouse gases in the second half of the century. What are the implications for UK targets and emission reduction measures? In follow-up advice to the Government, the CCC has repeated its recommendation that the fifth carbon budget be legislated at the level advised in November, but noted that a tighter budget may be needed in future. In this talk, Adrian Gault, Chief Economist at the CCC, will consider the implications of Paris, explain the basis of CCC advice in relation to the level of the 5th carbon budget, and look further at implications for UK policy.
Adrian Gault, Chief Economist, the Committee on Climate Change
Adrian joined the secretariat of the Committee on Climate Change in May 2009, where he is responsible for analytical work looking at UK greenhouse gas emission reduction potential and costs. Currently, the Committee is taking forward work to inform its advice to the Government, due by the end of the year, on the level of the 5th carbon budget, covering UK emissions 2028-32. Prior to joining the CCC secretariat, Adrian has substantial experience of energy and environmental issues – as an economist in Department for Transport, the Energy Group at DTI (now part of DECC) and in the Treasury tax team.
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