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The BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2012 was published on June 12th 2013 and can be downloaded from the BP Website. The statistics show that on the back of slower economic growth, global energy consumption growth in 2012 slowed significantly. Once again, all of the net growth took place in emerging economies, with China and India alone accounting for nearly 90% of the net increase in global energy consumption. OECD consumption declined for the fourth time in the past five years, led by a large decline in the US. Despite the slowdown, consumption and production reached record levels for all fuels except nuclear powerand biofuels. The data suggests that growth in global CO2 emissions from energy use continued in 2012, but at a slower rate than in 2011.
If you were not able to attend the presentation you can see the report
BP Statistical Review Report 2013
and look at the figures in more detail in the Downloads section of BP Website
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