In association with
October 8, 2014

Energy Seminar 4: Anticipating the Paris Climate Negotiations

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The forthcoming  international negotiations at the 2015 Paris Climate Conference (COP 21) are widely regarded as critically important to the prospects for effective global action to mitigate emissions and combat the threat of climate change.  Adrian Gault will talk about some of the major policy questions that the CCC is examining in preparation for the conference and their implications for the future direction of UK and EU policy.


Adrian Gault, Chief Economist, The Committee on Climate Change

AdrianGault200x171Adrian joined the secretariat of the Committee on Climate Change in May 2009, where he is responsible for analytical work looking at UK greenhouse gas emission reduction potential and costs. Prior to joining the CCC secretariat, Adrian has substantial experience of energy and environmental issues – as an economist in Department for Transport, the Energy Group at DTI(now part of DECC) and in the Treasury tax team.





The meeting will be hosted by NERA  Economic Consulting. Registration will start at 16.15 and the meeting will start at 16.30.



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