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The severity of the ongoing financial crisis and global recession has the potential to profoundly reshape global economy. These triggers can lead to positive changes, such as new measures to support a “green” recovery, but also to setbacks to the global economy, such as pressures to protect markets and curb capital flows.
This BIEE seminar will focus on three key potential impacts of the global recession and recovery on progress towards a more sustainable energy system:
•Medium-term outlook for conventional primary energy, with a focus on oil market volatility. This session will focus on the impact of the global downturn on both the demand and supply sides of the oil market and assess the balance of pressures on the oil price and market volatility going forward.
•Advancing climate policies in the face of the economic downturn. This session will assess impact of the global recession on advancing climate mitigation policies in advanced economies and on prospects for a new international agreement on climate change.
• Fostering a low-carbon economic recovery and aligning policies and new technologies. This session will focus on so-called green recovery measures and assess what more needs to be done to advance the pace of technological change in key sectors that produce and use energy.
Any papers and presentations from this conference may be viewed in the downloads section of this website.
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