To encourage the participation of academics, students and early career researchers, the BIEE keeps registration fees low relative to commercial conferences and seeks sponsorship to ensure that the costs of running the conference are covered.
BIEE is a small, not for profit organisation and registered charity that receives no public funding.
There are a range of sponsorship opportunities to suit different objectives and budgets which can be tailored to your requirements – so please do not hesitate to get in touch if you are interested in supporting the Conference and would like to participate in the programme.
Why Sponsor the BIEE Research Conference?
- The BIEE’s Oxford research conference is unique, bringing together government, academia, finance and industry stakeholders.
- Thought leadership and the sharing of knowledge are the core objectives of the conference, spanning policy objectives, sector regulation, infrastructure developments, capital availability and consumer response.
- In this setting, policymakers, industry, and academic experts are able to engage with speakers and each other in conversation on the energy issues that most concern them.
- You can interact directly with key figures from industry, policymaking and academia, placing your brand at the centre of the UK’s energy transformation.
- A content-rich programme of plenary and parallel sessions delivers some of the latest research and analysis in energy economics and policy.
- Attendees are experts, so the discussion and debate on key challenges facing the sector is of the highest quality.
- Visibility at the meeting allows you to highlight how industry and policymakers can complement their expertise with your own.
- The conference provides access to students and early career researchers, and opportunities to build relationships with the academic community, to help access the much-needed innovation, knowledge capital and talent our sector demands.
- Your sponsorship supports the participation of academics, students and early career researchers and professionals and gives you key contacts and visibility among the industry’s rising stars.
- In addition, sponsorship offers the opportunity to align your company or brand with the broader aims of promoting a responsible, evidence-based approach to the challenges of energy policy and tackling climate change and to improve exposure and access among a unique mix of stakeholders.
As the industry and its customers navigate the current crisis, it is more important than ever to be seen at the centre of debate on the industry’s future shape.
Act Early: several sponsor packages have already been taken
Speak to us: we can look at other sponsorship options tailored to your needs
Gold sponsor

Silver sponsors

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