We are pleased to announce that our call for contributions is now open for academic researchers and energy professionals in the policy, industry, financial, analyst, consulting and media communities to submit their proposals to present at the BIEE Research Conference 2025.
One of the main aims of this conference is to bring together a mix of speakers and participants from different sectors and areas of expertise to share their ideas and professional experiences. The conference provides a forum to debate and challenge new thinking with professionals from different disciplines in a friendly stimulating environment.
To have your research considered for presentation, please submit an abstract/summary of your research/case study online via the designated abstract submission platform (link below).
BIEE are keen to hear from all involved in the energy transition and warmly welcome submissions from underrepresented groups.
Abstract/contribution submission deadline: 31 March 2025
Please read the guidelines below before submitting your abstract/summary online via the button below.
Presentation formats
Submissions aligned to the conference theme are welcomed for the following presentation formats:
- Parallel session presentations – academic papers, practical case studies or comment on current energy policy, economics or finance issues. A standard oral presentation, normally in PowerPoint format, on one topic with Q&A.
- Student and Young Energy Professionals presentations – for MSc/PhD students and ECRs/young energy professionals (working in the energy industry for less than 5 years). A short presentation of a research topic or project. The session will include a series of presentations followed by themed discussions with other students and established professionals.
- ‘Dialogue’ debate style sessions – a form of roundtable discussion session that allows for a broader discussion of energy economic and policy issues.
- Poster presentations – posters will be displayed in communal areas for informal viewing and discussion.
Important dates
Abstract submission deadline | 31 March 2025 |
Early-bird registration deadline | 31 July 2025 |
Paper submission deadline* | 31 August 2025 |
*Paper submission is optional, papers will be published on the biee.org website for BIEE Members and conference delegates only
Submission guidelines
To have your research considered for presentation, please submit an abstract/summary of your research/case study online via the designated abstract submission platform (Oxford Abstracts). Abstracts for these sessions cannot be accepted via email and must be submitted online. Please refer to the full abstract submission guidelines below.
If you would like to submit a proposal for a dialogue session, please email your proposal, including theme, description and suggestions for panelists to conference@biee.org
Submission categories:
- Context
- Economy (politics, growth, recession, scenarios etc.)
- Environment (climate politics, externalities, emissions trading schemes, biomass etc.)
- Security (geopolitics, climate politics, energy access etc.)
- Solutions and innovation
- Consumers (all sectors and levels: residential, industry, global, national, scenarios, forecasting, fuel poverty etc.)
- Efficiency (all sectors: residential, appliances, buildings, industry, technology, labelling etc.)
- Flexibility and storage (demand flexibility, batteries, long duration storage etc.)
- Sources (fossil fuels, electricity, renewables, ccs, generation, chp, efw, hydrogen etc.)
- Transportation (all sectors and levels, EVs, freight, planning, infrastructure, policy, global etc.)
- Transition and investment
- Investment and finance (financing and funding the needed growth, international cooperation, investment, role of government, interest and discount rates etc.)
- Market evolution (market design, locational pricing, grid queue arrangements, transmission access, etc.)
- System evolution (building new and maintaining legacy long enough, funding rundown and decommissioning, etc.)
- Modelling (all sectors and levels, methodological advances etc.)
Review criteria
All submissions will be independently blind reviewed by members of the Conference Programme Committee. The Committee will assess each submission in terms of quality, originality, and relevance both to the conference theme and to a mixed audience of energy professionals and academics. The Conference Programme Committee reserves the right to accept or refuse an abstract, to designate abstracts as either a parallel session or poster presentation and to choose a suitable session for the abstract.
Presentations are intended to facilitate the sharing of professional and academic experiences and lessons learned and not to advertise proprietary products or services. It is important that submissions are based on sound analysis.
Online submission form guidelines
Abstracts must be typed in English.
- Title:
- The title of the abstract should be a maximum of 50 words
- Abstract / executive summary:
- The abstracts content text should be no more than 600 words and should not include images, graphics or tables.
- Abstracts can be structured (background, methods, results and conclusions).
- Authors:
- Abstract submissions must include the names of the presenting author, all co-authors and organisations. These details are not included in the 600-word count.
- A presenting author should be identified by ticking the relevant ‘presenting’ tick box.
- Author approval:
- The submitting author is required to ensure that all co-authors have approved of the submission and have agreed to abstract content prior to submission.
- Permission to publish abstract:
- Authors of accepted abstracts grant permission to BIEE to publish their abstract on the BIEE website www.biee.org. Paper submission is optional, papers will be published on the biee.org website only with access for BIEE Members and conference delegates.
- Author will attend:
- The nominated presenter of an accepted abstract will be expected to register for the event at the appropriate rate. If a presenter does not register by the deadline given, the abstract/presentation can be withdrawn from the programme.
- Presentation format preference
- Indicate if you would like your presentation to be consider for parallel oral presentation, poster presentation or both.
- Category
- Choose one subject category for your submission.
- Student and Young Energy Professional Session
- If you are a MSc/PhD student, ECR or young professional (working in the energy industry for less than 5 years) your abstract can also be considered for the Student and Young Energy Professional Session. Please tick the check box to be considered for this session.
You will receive an automated confirmation email on successful submission. You can edit your submission until the 31 March deadline.
Gold sponsor

Silver sponsors

Post your comments and questions for the speakers here