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Financing the Energy Transition – How policy, regulation and markets can work together to get the funds to flow

Thursday September 19th 2013
BIS Conference Centre, 1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ET

Changing the structure of the energy system requires massive investment sustained over many years. Is investment flowing where it needs to, and if not, what policy interventions are required to enable investment ?

This conference will bring together experts from the energy industry, the financial sector, the policy community and academia to address three key questions:

  • What is the size and scope of the challenge – as seen from the differing perspectives of the policy-maker, the financier and the investor?
  • Where are we today – what is working and what isn’t?
  • What lessons can be drawn from experience and research to inform future decisions?


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Conference Committee

Dr. Peter Connor, Conference Chair, University of Exeter
Ben Klooss, BIEE Chair 2013, BP plc
Paul Appleby , BP plc
Edward Libbey , Clive Stokes
Ian Banks, McKinsey & Company

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