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Worcester College COVID Code of Practice
UPDATED 08.09.2021
Worcester College has Covid-secure measures in place across the site. These adhere to UK Government guidelines, the University of Oxford’s policies, and the specific requirements of our site and risk assessments. As the event organiser and point of contact, you are responsible for communicating this to all your delegates, speakers, and event staff to ensure a smooth-running event.
The below measures are currently in place. These measures may change in the light of government guidelines, University policies, or our site-specific risk assessments. We will communicate any changes to you as they happen.
Social Distancing
As per Government guidelines, College is no longer observing social distancing. We do however ask that all meeting rooms are ventilated as much as possible and that delegates respect the wishes of others with regards to wearing masks when in close proximity whilst adhering to general good hygiene practices (i.e disposing of napkins, handwashing etc)
Face coverings
Face coverings are no longer mandatory in indoor and outdoor spaces however, we encourage the use of them when in small, crowded spaces with little ventilation.
Standards of cleanliness
In addition to our regular cleaning schedule, we have introduced several enhancements to our service, to ensure a safe working environment. We have implemented a high-touch-point cleaning programme. There are sanitiser stations at regular points around the building; sanitiser wipes to wipe down work surfaces and dispensers in all meeting rooms for individuals to use as required.
Rooms are sanitised after each booking using a high-capacity misting machine.
Attendance with Covid 19 symptoms
It is a requirement that attendees comply with the UK’s guidelines to self-isolate, book a PCR test and do not come in to the site, when showing symptoms of Covid 19 (for residential stay please follow T&Cs).
The College’s priority is the safety of everyone on the site, and we thank you for your consideration.
We look forward to the pleasure of hosting for you.
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