20 September - 21 September 2023
Worcester College, Walton Street, Oxford, UK

Energy matters for all: from global actors to active consumers - Notes for Presenters


If your abstract has been accepted for presentation, you need to register to attend the conference by 30 June 2023.

The Committee reserves the right to withdraw a submission from the programme if the author/presenter has not registered by the agreed date.

See the registration page for details of packages and fees. For any questions regarding registration, please email

Presentation format/timings

Parallel session presentations

Parallel sessions are 90 minutes long and will include four presentations. Presentation time for each accepted abstracts in a parallel sessions is 20 minutes (15 minutes for presentation plus 5 minutes Q&A).

Student ‘Short Pitches’

Student Short Pitches should comprise 1 title slide and 1 presentation slide. This is a (slightly extended) version of the well-known ‘elevator pitch’, aiming to interest others in the problem you are addressing, the approach being taken (and the emerging results, for those nearing the end of their studies). Timings will be confirmed to presenters in advance and experienced academics will act as facilitators for the session. Conference attendees will also be invited to attend and take part in group discussions at the end of the session. Students are welcome to also bring posters (see below specifications).


Posters should be printed no larger than A0 (841mm x 1189mm) in portrait orientation and brought to the Conference for display.

Presentation files

At the conference, facilities will be available for PowerPoint presentations.

Presentations must be prepared as  pptx files, PDF versions will not run.

Presentations should be less than 10 MB in file size.

We ask that all presenters send their presentations in advance to and also bring a copy of their presentation (and any video/animation files separately) on USB to the Conference. 

Paper submission

All accepted authors have the opportunity to submit a full paper.

The deadline for all submissions is 31 August.

Authors of submitted papers are required to grant the BIEE a non-exclusive license to post their abstract and paper on the BIEE website. The paper will be viewable to BIEE members and conference delegates.  This does not preclude subsequent publication elsewhere (economics journals generally accept the pre-publication of “working paper versions” such as these).

Key information on submitting your paper

Authors will have until 31 August 2023 to submit their papers for inclusion in the conference proceedings.

Papers should be no longer than 6000 words and should be in pdf format.

As a guideline the following format is suggested for paper submissions:

  • Abstract
  • Introduction: Overview of the topic including its background and potential significance
  • Methodology: how the matter was addressed and what techniques were used
  • Results: Key and ancillary findings
  • Conclusions: Lessons learned, implications, next steps
  • References

Submission of your paper should be made via email to

The pdf file should be named with your surname and the initial part of the title of the paper.

To ensure that the correct version of your paper is included in the conference proceedings, you should only send in the final version of your paper.

Please include the following category/keyword information in the email with your paper. This is to ensure that your paper is assigned to the correct categories in our online archive.

Category options (choose any that apply)

Oil Energy Efficiency Energy Storage
Gas Energy Security Energy Distribution
Electricity and Nuclear Energy Modelling Community Energy
Energy and Environment Energy Economics Solar
Energy Consumer – Domestic Energy Finance and Investment Biofuels
Energy Consumer – Industrial Energy Policy Renewables
Energy Demand Heat Transport
Smart Energy Innovation





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