18 September 2024
One Birdcage Walk, Birdcage Walk, London, UK

Delivering the energy transition: pace over perfection - Programme

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Please note that the programme is subject to change. Further speakers to be announced.

  • 18 Sep 2024
9:15 am

Registration and refreshments


9:45 am


Volker Beckers BIEE President
9:50 am

Opening keynotes

Chris Stark Department for Energy Security and Net Zero / Head of ‘Mission Control’ for Clean Power 2030
10:20 am
Rebecca Sedler Interconnectors, National Grid Ventures / Managing Director
10:40 am

Panel debate

Navigating net zero: policy trade-offs and priorities for government

Energy and achieving net zero remain in the political spotlight. The years 2025 – 2030 will hold immense significance. They are firmly in the spotlight for the new UK government and will shape our ability to achieve full decarbonisation. Government must swiftly address critical issues such as market dynamics, energy security, cost distribution, infrastructure delivery and strategic planning.

Join us as we explore the essential trade-offs necessary to meet our net zero commitments and the decisions required from the new government.

  • Guy Buckenham – Head of Strategic and Emerging Markets Policy, EDF Energy
  • Rachel Fletcher – Director for Regulation and Economics, Octopus Energy
  • David Joffe – Project Director Delivery of rapid electricity system decarbonisation, Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE)
  • Emma Pinchbeck – Chief Executive, Energy UK
Janet Wood New Power Magazine / Editor
Rachel Fletcher Octopus Energy / Director for Regulation and Economics
David Joffe Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE) / Project Director Delivery of rapid electricity system decarbonisation
Emma Pinchbeck Energy UK / Chief Executive
Guy Buckenham EDF Energy / Head of Strategic and Emerging Markets Policy
11:45 am


12:00 pm


1:00 pm


The view from business
  • Louise Hellem – Chief Economist, Confederation of British Industry (CBI)
Louise Hellem Confederation of British Industry (CBI) / Chief Economist
1:25 pm

Panel debate

Unlocking sustainable investment: strategies for enhancing the UK’s appeal

It is widely acknowledged that extensive investment across the economy is essential to achieve climate goals and to deliver sustainable economic growth. From heat pumps to hydrogen, the UK must attract significant capital flows.

Uncertainties, notably in governmental policy, can hinder investment, especially in emerging sectors. When a cohesive strategy and policies are deployed, low-cost investments follow, with strong delivery in key technologies such as offshore wind and electric vehicles. Wider policies determine what this means for local economic activity, UK jobs and for billpayers.

Join our panel as we analyse the broader economic landscape, domestically and globally, and discuss strategies to enhance the UK’s investor appeal given the critical role of investors in reaching our targets and driving economic growth.

Chair: Paro Konar – Director for Hydrogen and Industrial Carbon Capture, DESNZ

  • Leen Dickx – Director, NERA
  • Mallika Ishwaran – Chief Economist, Shell
  • Simon Maine – Managing Director – Corporate Communications, Brookfield Asset Management
  • Giles Wilkes – Specialist Partner, Flint Global


Paro Konar Department for Energy Security and Net Zero / Director for Hydrogen and Industrial Carbon Capture
Leen Dickx NERA / Director
Mallika Ishwaran Shell / Chief Economist
Simon Maine Brookfield Asset Management / Managing Director - Corporate Communications
Giles Wilkes Flint Global / Specialist Partner
2:30 pm

Refreshment break

3:00 pm


  • James Richardson – Acting Chief Executive, Climate Change Committee
James Richardson Climate Change Committee / Director of Analysis & Acting Chief Executive
3:25 pm

Panel debate

Strategic planning and markets: navigating complexity in UK energy strategy

The UK energy system already has elements of strategic planning with carbon targets and capacity requirements set centrally. These have so far been delivered through carefully crafted markets.

This approach has met objectives and kept costs lower than expected. However, the next phase demands greater scale, pace, and tough decisions – not everyone will be pleased.

While greater strategic planning is on the horizon, markets remain crucial for delivery and cost efficiency. How can the UK navigate this challenge amidst vocal local opposition, international competition, complex uncertainties, and the rapid pace and scale required?

Chair: Rob Gross – Director, UKERC

  • Estelle Dehon KC – Barrister, Cornerstone Barristers
  • Inge Hansen – Director of Group & Markets Regulation, SSE
  • Gavin Knott – Chief Economic Advisor, Ofgem
  • Mike Thompson – Chief Economist, National Grid ESO
Robert Gross UKERC / Director
Estelle Dehon KC Cornerstone Barristers / Barrister
Inge Hansen SSE / Director of Group & Markets Regulation
Gavin Knott Ofgem / Chief Economic Advisor
Mike Thompson National Grid ESO / Chief Economist
4:30 pm

Networking reception

Because the question and comments I've just posted were quite extensive I created them in a separate ENT editor and then copied and pasted it in full stop unfortunately it has removed all the formatting solarities now one single paragraph and I didn't appear to be an option to edit comments once posted

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