The conference attracts over 100 attendees from the UK and European energy sector, including industry, academia, research organisations, government, the finance community, NGOs and consultancies.
75 organisations attended in 2019 including
Albion Capital Group LLP | Energy UK | Red Vector |
Baringa | Ernst & Young | Resource Economist |
BEIS | Frontier Economics | Shell |
Bloomberg NEF | Ground Source Heat Pump Association | SLR Consulting, O&G Advisory |
bp | Hoare Lea | Smart Energy GB |
British Management Data Foundation | Horizon Nuclear Power | SPRU, University of Sussex |
Cambridge Econometrics | HSBC | Steer |
Camirus Limited | IBM Global Markets | Storengy UK Ltd |
CBI | Imperial College London | The Crown Estate |
Centrica Innovations | Institution of Gas Engineers & Managers | The Faraday Institution |
CEPA | JOGMEC | University College London |
Client Earth | KPMG | University of East Anglia |
Committee on Climate Change | National Audit Office | UK Energy Research Centre |
Conrad Energy | National Grid | University of Edinburgh |
Cornwall Insight | National Infrastructure Commission | University of Leeds |
Cranfield University | Nature Energy | University of Reading |
Delta Energy & Environment | New Power Magazine | University of Southampton |
Drax Group plc | npower | University of Surrey |
E.ON UK | Octopus Electric Vehicles | Upside Energy Ltd |
EBRD | Ofgem | Vitol |
Ecological Energy Ltd | Oil and Gas UK | Vivid Economics |
Ecuity Consulting LLP | Orchard Partners London Ltd | Westminster Business School |
Element Energy | Oxford Econometrics | Yorkshire Water |
Energy and Utility Forum | Oxford Energy Associates | |
Energy Systems Catapult | PwC |
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsors

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