‘Transitioning to a net zero energy system’ the new smart systems and flexibility plan, is a joint publication by the government and Ofgem, the energy regulator and sets out a vision, analysis and work programme for delivering a smart and flexible electricity system that will underpin our energy security and the transition to net zero.
This system will need significant levels of flexibility and utilisation of smart technologies so that it can be almost entirely run on low carbon energy sources. Consumers will be able to shift demand to times of day when electricity is cheaper and more abundant. Variable renewable power will be stored for when it is needed. We will import power from other countries when they have more available electricity than we do – and vice versa. This flexibility will be facilitated by regulatory and market reform, investment in innovation, and system digitalisation. Each chapter of this Plan sets out a vision, and a series of actions, to deliver a smart and flexible energy system
Alongside this Plan, we have published the UK’s first Energy Digitalisation Strategy, as digitalisation is an essential requirement for realising a smart and flexible energy system.
The transition to a smarter and more flexible energy system is an opportunity. It will be delivered by UK businesses and will benefit consumers across the country. It will reduce the costs of our system by up to £10bn a year by 2050, by reducing the amount of generation and network we need to build to meet peak demand. It will create jobs, perhaps 24,000 by 2050, and drive investment across the UK. The UK is a global leader in smart systems and there is significant export potential for the solutions that we will need to deploy at home. As nations confront the challenge of climate change, markets for new green products and services will spring up round the world. Taking action now will help position UK companies and our world class research base to seize the business opportunities which flow from it, creating jobs and wealth for our country.
Read the plan here
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